Time Management
The most important commodity we have is time. For those that want to succeed in life and business it is important to make the most of the time we have.
The most important commodity we have is time. For those that want to succeed in life and business it is important to make the most of the time we have.
Everything in life and business works in cycles. Some cycles are short, and you can see the change easily. Others are so long we often lose sight of what cycle we are in.
“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” — Friedrich Nietzche. Intention and purpose are critical aspects of one’s happiness and helps lead to a balanced life. An intention is not a goal to obtain, but rather it is where you come from in your thinking.
Nature teaches us lessons about change and the organic process of birth, growth and decline – lessons that we have forgotten. How nature works is beyond a person’s ability to comprehend.
In Finding Your Way, you will find that to go where you want to go in life and your career, you must stop what you are doing, change the habits that are holding you in place, and then go on your journey of self-discovery.